Please Donate

Please help us with raising funds to cover operational costs and adding wheelchair access to our home office. 

Please help us with raising funds to cover operational costs and additions including expansion and wheelchair access to our home. Engineering and plans have already been completed. We now need help to complete the renovations. These additions are necessary because many severely disabled veterans do not have complete access to our home. Over the last 15 years, we have had a weekly open invitation to veterans and their families to come have dinner with us and each other. We also have veterans come and stay here for extended periods of time while we assist in their claims. These additions will allow us to serve the increased and increasing number of severely disabled veterans who have valiantly served our country and are seeking our services. Every veteran that our founder has helped has been successful in helping obtain their due benefits. Our founder has been extremely successful in getting those who have served their rightful benefits.

A fine example of what we do on a daily basis can be summed up perfectly by our friend and sister veteran Paula Kemp. In the interview below, Paula describes her experience and how we at Veterans Paying It Forward have helped her be successful, not only with her own claim, but also how we have aided Veteran Sisters in becoming a powerful force in veteran’s advocacy. Thank you Paula for paying it forward!

You can either donate directly through the website or though our GoFundMe campaign by clicking here

Anything you can donate is greatly appreciated.

Thank you and have a blessed day.

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